Here's a different take on a Gnome. Maybe a more modern Gnome he is. Anyway you look at him, he's still a winner. This little fellow was carved by Kenn (Old Codger) from the Woodcarving Illustrated Forum.
Here's a little Gnome, hand carved by Alex Swope, PA. This little fellow is 2 1/2 inches tall, including the hat. Thank you Alex! He's a fine little fellow.
This is a new blog, that will focus on Gnomes. Yep, that's what I said. Gnomes! Not just any Gnomes, but hand carved Gnomes. Since I whittle and carve little Gnomes, that's where I'll start out; but who knows where it will take us. The focus of this blog will start with several aspects of the hand carved Gnomes. The actual carving, painting and finishing the Gnomes, and placing the Gnomes into scenes. But like Gnomes, this blog will be unpredictable.
Retired male. Next birthday will be 78. Spend most of my time carving and quilting. Retired early (51) from a major university; so I am gettin this retirement thing down real good. I talked myself into wood carving. My daughter talked me into making quilts.